Well, this is a big problem. We know before we have any business together, we need to trust each other first.Here is just some reason maybe you will buy it.
We are Alibaba and global source member, pay like one hundred thousands RMB to alibaba every year to be proved that we are real and good seller. The most important things is, anytime you find we are cheating on you, make your lost money, you can go to alibaba, after they find it is our problem, our website on alibaba will be shut down, that means we lost money, and may never have chanceto do export business.
You can come to our factory, we will prove it to you that we are real manufacturer with good quality. That't the easiest way.
Also you can come to Canton fair, we are there every year; And we attend fair outside China also.
We sell products to like 20 Countries in the world, and this number is keep growing. So there is a big chance you can find our products in your country. Check out the quality and you will find our we are one great supplier.